--- GENERAL INTEREST --- ............................................................................................................................. Glen Road Closure Plans - 2025 DOI Statement ( Dec. 2024) The Department of Infrastructure says it wiil close parts of Glen Road in Laxey as it carries out a nine-month programme of work. The Department is due to close parts of the route between Minorca Hill and Captain's Hill next year. Thr drainage work is due to start on January 6th and run until September 30th. The closure will be a rolling one which moves from the Minorca Hill side of the Village , to (presumably) Captain's Hill. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DOI Presentation 2021 Note: This is a pdf version , which loads and displays more quickly than the original DOI POWERPOINT presentation. To view, click 'Proceed to Presentation' below. Then use your keyboard 'down-arrow' to scroll down and view each slide in turn. .......... PROCEED TO DOI PRESENTATION ..................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................. May 2021: Culvert After Recent Rainfall (21st May) (Pics courtesy of Chris Lockwood and Webmaster) ................... Vegetation washed down- apparently from ABOVE waterfall. [Locals recall that this type of accumulation contributed to a previous blockage of the culvert and subsequent flooding. Although much vegetation has been cleared from the culvert, it appears that the area above the waterfall may need attention.] (Copy sent to DOI) Scouring, possibly threatening foundations of DOI Building. (Copy sent to DOI) Waterfall Many Years Ago: Waterfall Now: Whilst still an attractive site, many locals have suggested that it would be better if the trees and branches (some dead) were cut back, to reveal a better view of the waterfalll itself. (Suggestion and pictures sent to DOI) ............................................................................................................................................... Waterfall and Upper Culvert - 10th August Update. No sign of DOI yet, but we are assured that attention to the upper part of the culvert (crumbling walls on Quarry side, etc., ) is definitely on their agenda. In the meantime, the overhanging branches referred to above have been removed and the little picnic area tidied up and planted with wild flowers by local volunteers. (Along with a nice new table, courtesy of Garff Commissioners - much appreciated!) .................................................................................................................................................................................. EARLIER NOTES: 27th Oct 2020: River observed after heavy rainfall (To be fair to DOI predictions, the flow appears to be well attenuated behind the rocks, which was apparently the intention. It remains to be seen whether the river level will increase in flood conditions. One hopes not..) (Note - some browsers open this video clip in a separate window) ........................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Promenade Wall Although this project may be temporarily shelved, it will no doubt reappear in future. Many residents have suggested that lowering the level of stones may well be a cheap and easy first step, and certainly worth trying. This view tends to be supported by the following, from a 1966 publication called 'WATER IN THE SERVICE OF MAN.' ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Sailing Club meeting.
A meeting of concerned residents was held at the Sailing Club on Wednesday evening (29th July 2020). Among items discussed were the desirability of retaining pressure on Government with regard to flood prevention works, river management, flood insurance costs, etc., and the involvement of local MHKs and press at future meetings, in order to keep the subject suitably high on Government agendas. ............................................................................................ |
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